I have created an intensive a single session weight management programme which can not only help with weight management but also encourage vitality, deep fulfilment and heightened well being. Informed by the principles of my 6 step weight management programme, my single session package uncovers and addresses problem eating habits and the inhibiting and obstructive thoughts, attitudes and behaviours that can sabotage and stifle our best interests.  The therapy gently but powerfully creates and mobilises your inner resources in ways that are in harmony with your true motivations and ultimate well being. But most importantly the programme promotes and supports a beautiful and beautifying re-union between your mind and body, thereby strengthening both and bringing to your life the power and grace that is our natural physical state. 


By creating harmony and understanding with body and mind and, most importantly between body and mind, my single session weight management package can provide a strong foundation for renewed health and vitality at all levels and the natural by product of this – a more healthful weight and physique.  The session addresses the fundaments of weight management issues, it:

  • re-unites the body and mind into a radiant and health driven whole, harmonising the mind with the body
  • harmonises appetite and drives with wholeness and health
  • re-programs mind-body to a new and healthier way of being
  • programs body and mind to mobilise energy previously invested in surplus eating as fat and negative emotion


To support and enhance the package I have created a four week aftercare package which is designed to address the likely issues that might arise as part of a transition in diet and relationship to body.  This comprises a weekly audio session and a weekly strategy drawn from both cutting edge research and ancient healing modalities.  The audio sessions address issues such as:

  • releasing the past
  • harmonising with the body to promote health
  • re-programming the body
  • learning to respect and perceive the intelligence of the body.