I have created an intensive 6 step weight management programme which can not only help with weight management but also encourage vitality, deep fulfilment and heightened well being. The programme uncovers and addresses problem eating habits and the inhibiting and obstructive thoughts, attitudes and behaviours that can sabotage and stifle our best interests.  The therapy gently but powerfully creates and mobilises your inner resources in ways that are in harmony with your true motivations and ultimate well being. But most importantly the programme promotes and supports a beautiful and beautifying re-union between your mind and body, thereby strengthening both and bringing to your life the power and grace that is our natural physical state.   


My weight management programme renews the relationship between body and mind in a powerful and life affirming way which can open up a world of perception, experience, power and being which were previously unimaginable and certainly far, far more valuable and rewarding than sweets, pies, beer and curry, to name just a few delectations, could ever be.  


In the course of the programme we learn to love and understand our body, in its subtlety, power, sensitivity and intelligence.  When we speak of ‘having a gut feeling’ it is not just a turn of phrase.  It can be seen as a description of the body acting as an organ of perception.  Generally it is only in the most extreme situations that we attune to the intelligence of our bodies.  And it can be seen to work the other way around too.  Not only can we listen to our bodies, or learn to listen to our bodies and thereby be wiser and better for it, but our bodies can learn to listen to us and be healthier for it.  This is evident in psycho-immunology, using visualisation to mobilise the body’s immune response against disease.  It’s also evident in the placebo response, experiments in which subjects were given a placebo, told it was a wonder drug and ‘miraculously’ got better.   


My programme utilises that power.  We learn to attune to the body, to the subtle energy systems of the body, the intelligence of our body, these unique and personal avatars of evolution and genealogy.  We learn to listen to our bodies and then to speak to them, to program them.  The combination of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy is particularly suited to this as it is primarily through the imaginative facility that we speak to our body, through imagery and that imagery is most effective when we can quieten the chatter and analysis of the conscious mind – in hypnosis.    


To support and advance the programme I have created an intensive complementary course of treatment to be followed at home, successively and in conjunction with the 6 step therapy sessions.  This comprises 6 strategies drawn from both cutting edge, scientifically proven interventions and ancient healing technologies.  It also comprises 6 specific audio download therapy sessions, each supporting and furthering the work and topics of the therapy sessions.