We can use the analogy of an iceberg to describe the mind or the psyche. The conscious mind, our thoughts, attitudes and decisions, the more rational and logical mental activity that we are aware of, is the tip of the iceberg. The vast body of the psyche, like the iceberg, is submerged, hidden. This is the unconscious mind. This powerful, mysterious part of our psyche functions beyond the limits of the conscious mind’s reason and rationality and speaks in the rich and evocative language of images, symbols and myth. It generates dreams, fantasies, creativity and plays a powerful yet largely unmitigated role in our lives, affecting our dispositions, choices, feelings, and the quality and texture of our experience.
By dialoguing directly with the unconscious mind in its own symbolic and imagistic language, in a positive and receptive state of mental and physical relaxation, we can both listen to our deep inner self, and communicate with it. The skilled therapist can be a guide, facilitator and intermediary in accessing these deeper reaches of consciousness and provide a safe, resourceful and creative environment in which to explore, analyse, understand and integrate these encounters thereby providing the opportunity for profound transformation.
In this way the presenting issue of therapy can be quickly and profoundly understood, and positive, informed and effective strategies implemented.